fx-82MS fx-82TL fx-9860GII TI-83
Texas Instruments TI-83 manual
ON Turn on OFF Turn off
Notation modes Normal Normal notation Sci Scientific notation Eng Engineering notation
Decimal modes Float Floating decimal 0123456789 Fixed decimal
Angle modes Radian Angles in radians Degree Angles in degrees
Graph modes Func Function graphing Par Parametric graphing Pol Polar graphing Seq Sequence graphing
Plotting modes Sequential Sequential plot Simul Simultaneous plot
Number modes Real Real a+bi Rectangular-complex re^θi Polar-complex
Number operations NUM abs Absolute value round( Round iPart( Integer part fPart( Fractional part Int( Greatest Integer
Complex operations CPX conj( Conjugate real( Real part imag( Imaginary part angl( Angle abs( Absolute value ►Rect Display as rectangular ►Polar Display as polar
Probability operations PRB rand Random number nPr Permutation nCr Combination ! Fractorial randInt( Random integer randNorm( Random normal randBin( Random binomial
Y= function variables Y-VARS Function… Functions menu
° Degree ' Minute ͬ Radian ►DMS Display as degree/minute/second R►Pr( Given X and Y, return r R►Pθ( Given X and Y, return θ P►Rx( Given R and θ, return x P►Ry( Given R and θ, return y
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Hyperbolic functions sinh Hyperbolic sine cosh Hyperbolic cosine tanh Hyperbolic tangent sinh⁻¹ Inverse hyperbolic sine cosh⁻¹ Inverse hyperbolic cosine tanh⁻¹ Inverse hyperbolic tangent
Priority sequence of calculations
Calculation results
ENTER Enter SOLVE Solve = Equal sign
r Radius operator ∠ Polar form operator θ Theta operator
⎵ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? θ "
Variables (Alpha memories)
A ⁓ Z θ
STO➧ Store Answer memory ANS Recall from answer memory
Entry storage area ENTRY Show last entry
String memories ٬٬ Double quote Str String command
V-Window memories V·WIN View window values STO Store settings RCL Recall settings
Basic functions
+ Addition − Subtraction × Multiplication ÷ Division
x² Square ^ Powers ex Powers of e 10 x Powers of 10 x⁻¹ Reciprocal
Fraction calculations
Root calculations
√ Square root ³√ Cube root ˟√ Power root
►MAT Matrix calculations DIM Dimension Matrix input MAT 2×2 Matrix 3×3 Matrix m×n Matrix
Logarithmic calculations
LOG Common logarithm LN Natural logarithm
Trigonometric functions
SIN Sine COS Cosine TAN Tangent SIN-1 Inverse sine COS-1 Inverse cosine TAN&-1 Inverse tangent
• Decimal EE Exponents of 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
π Number pi e Number e i Number i
Special characters
(−) Minus sign ٬ Separator : Multi-statement ' Apostrophe " Double quote
( ) Round parentheses { } Braces [ ] Brackets
DEL Delete DEL Delete screen information UNDO Undo
Special keys
2nd Second ALPHA Alpha A-LOCK Alpha lock
Function keys
Display screen
DRAW Draw a graph INS Insert ▲ ◄ ► ▼
Cursor control QUIT Quit the current screen CLEAR Clear screen
Error messages