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fx-82MS      fx-82TL      fx-9860GII


On a Casio calculator you can clear all data on the display


and the keyboard is unlocked.


Error messages

Your calculator is locked while an error message is on the display. Press  AC  to clear the error. Press left  <  or right  >  to display the calculation and correct the problem. Pressing  AC  does not clear replay memory, so you can recall the last calculation.


Example 1

To enter 1 ÷ 0

 1  ÷  0  = Math ERROR 

Dividing by zero always produces a message.


Example 2

To enter 00

 0  ^  0  = Math ERROR 

although it is determined by definition that 00 ≝ 1. Take that as a warning.


Example 3

A negative sign cannot be used to perform a subtraction

 2  (−)  1   2-1_
= Syntax ERROR 


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