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On a Casio calculator you can divide



Example 1

To calculate 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5

 1  ÷  2  =  1÷2

but this can also be calculated as 2−1

 2  ^ (−)  1  =  2^-1

or as the inverse 2−1

 2  x-1 =  2-1

or as the fraction 1 / 2

 1  a b/c  2  =  1 ┘2
         1 ┘2.
a b/c  1 ┘2


Example 2

To calculate 0 ÷ 1 = 0

 0  ÷  1  =  0÷1


Example 3

To enter 1 ÷ 0

 1  ÷  0  = Math ERROR 

Dividing by zero always produces a message, and that is correct.


Example 4

To calculate 1 ÷ 3 = 0.3333...

 1  ÷  3  =  1÷3


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