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On a Casio calculator you can perform exponentiations


Example 1

To calculate 23 = 8

 2  ^  3  =  2^3

and you get this also for

 2  x3  23


Example 2

To enter 00

 0  ^  0  = Math ERROR 

although it is determined by definition that 00 ≝ 1. Take that as a warning.


Example 3

To calculate (−2)4 = 16 where brackets are required

(  2  ) ^  4  =  (-2)^4

because −24 = −16

 2  ^  4  =  -2^4


Example 4

To calculate 2−1 = 0.5 where you have a negative exponent

 2  ^ (−)  1  =  2^-1


Example 5

To calculate eπ = 23.1406…

       ln        EXP =  e^π


Example 6

To calculate 21 = 2

 2  ^  1  =  2^1


Example 7

To calculate 20 = 1

 2  ^  0  =  2^0


Example 8

To calculate 31/2 = 1.7320…

 3  ^ (  1  ÷  2  ) =  3^(1÷2)

what you can also calculate as 3 = 1.7320...

 3  =  √3


Example 9

To calculate

 2  ^ (  2  ^  3  ) =  2^(2^3)


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