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On a Casio calculator you can subtract


Example 1

To calculate 5 − 2 = 3

 5   2  =  5−2


Example 2

To calculate 2 − − 1 = 3

 2  (−)  1  =  2−-1


Example 3

To calculate

 1  a b/c  2   1   •   6  =  1 ┘2−1.6

Results of calculations that mix fraction and decimal values are always decimal.


Example 4

To calculate (−2)3 = −23 = −8 where brackets are not required

 2  x3 =  −23


Example 5

To calculate 2−1 = 0.5

 2  ^  1  =  2^−1

what you can also calculate as

 2  ^ (−)  1  =  2^-1


Example 6

To calculate 10−1 = 0.1

       log  1  =  10−1


Example 7

To change 12.53 × 456 in 12.53 − 456

<<  12.53░456
=  12.53−456


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