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On a Casio calculator you can change the settings


Setting can be done at any time. Depending on the mode, different screens are offered. The variables provide a number of different methods for analyzing data. Pressing  ▽  or  △  repeatedly takes you to further choices.


Mode        :Comp
Frac Result :d/c
Func Type   :Y=
Draw Type   :Connect 
Derivative  :Off
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Simplify    :Auto
Stat Wind   :Auto
Resid List  :None
List File   :File1
Sub Name    :On
Frac Result :d/c 
Func Type   :Y=
Graph Func  :On
Background  :None
Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Q1Q3 Type   :Std
List File   :File1
Sub Name    :On
Frac Result :d/c 
Func Type   :Y=
Graph Func  :On
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Display     :Norm1
Simplify    :Auto
Auto Calc   :On
Show Cell   :Formula
Move        :Lower
Stat Wind   :Auto Resid List  :None
Frac Result :d/c
Func Type   :Y= 
Graph Func  :On
Background  :Pict1
Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Off
Complex Mode:Real
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Q1Q3 Type   :OnData
Draw Type   :Connect 
Ineq Type   :And 
Graph Func  :On
Dual Screen :Off
Simul Graph :Off
Derivative  :Off
Background  :None
Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Off
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Dynamic Type:Stop 
Locus       :Off 
Y=Draw Speed:Norm
Draw Type   :Connect
Graph Func  :On
Simul Graph :Off
Background  :Pict1
Angle       :Rad
Complex Mode:Real
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Variable    :Range
Graph Func  :On
Dual Screen :Off
Frac Result :d/c
Simul Graph :Off
Derivative  :Off
Background  :None
Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Off
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Σ Display   :Off
Draw Type   :Connect
Grap Func   :On
Dual Screen :Off
Frac Result :d/c
Func Type   :Y=
Simul Graph :Off
Background  :Pict1 Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Func Type   :Y=
Draw Type   :Connect 
Graph Func  :On
Slope       :Off
Background  :Pict1
Sketch Line :Norm
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Coord       :On
Grid        :Off
Axes        :On
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1
Frac Result :d/c
Func Type   :Y=
Angle       :Deg
Complex Mode:Real
Display     :Norm1
Payment     :End
Date Mode   :365
Periods/YR. :Annual
Background  :Pict1
Label       :Off
Display     :Norm1


Angle       :Deg

Deg  Degrees     (default setting)
The default angle unit.

Rad  Radians

Gra  Grads


Auto calculation
Auto Calc   :On

On  On     (default setting)
When Auto Calc is enabled, all of the formulas in a spreadsheet are recalculated when the spreadsheet is opened or when any editing operation is performed. It should be noted however, that recalculation can slow down the overall processing speed.

Off  Off
When Auto Calc is disabled, you need to execute recalculation manually as required.


Axes        :On

On  On     (default setting)
Graph axis display.

Off  Off


Background  :None

None  None     (default setting)
No graph background picture specification.

PICT  Background picture

   Picture Memory



Complex mode
Complex Mode:Real

Real Real numbers only     (default setting)
When there is an imaginary number in the argument, however, complex number calculation is performed and the result is displayed using rectangular form.

a+bi Complex numbers in rectangular form

r∠θ Complex numbers in polar form
The display range of θ depends on the angle unit set.


Coord       :On

On  On             (default setting)
The coordinates at the pointer location will be shown when a trace is made in graphical mode.

Off  Off


Date mode
Date Mode   :365

365  365 days                  (default setting)

360  360 days


Derivative  :Off

On  On
The derivative value display at the pointer location will be shown when a trace is made in graphical mode.

Off  Off              (default setting)
The display is off while Graph-to-Table, Table & Graph, and Trace are being used.


Display     :Norm1

Fix  Number of decimal places
Select Number

   Fix [0∼9]:

Sci  Number of significant digits
Select Number

   Sci [0∼9]:

Norm  Exponential display format

Norm1    (default setting)
With Norm1, exponential notation is automatically used for integer values with more than 10 digits and decimal values with more than two decimal places.

With Norm2, exponential notation is automatically used for integer values with more than 10 digits and decimal values with more than nine decimal places.

Eng  Engineering notation
When engineering notation is used, it is shown on the screen by adding /E.


Draw type
Draw Type   :Connect

Con  Connect         (default setting)
Graph drawing method that produces connected points.

Plot  Plot
Graph drawing method that produces unconnected points.


Dual screen
Dual Screen :Off

G+G  G and G
Graph and Graph.

GtoT  G to T

Off  Off          (default setting)


Dynamic type
Dynamic Type:Stop

Cnt  Continuous

Stop  Stop        (default setting)
Stop after 10 draws.


Fraction result
Frac Result :d/c

d/c     Improper fraction     (default setting)
The value  is an improper fraction.

a b/c Mixed fraction
The value  is a mixed fraction.


Function type
Func Type   :Y=

Y =   Y=Type        (default setting)
Rectangular coordinate (Y = f (x) type) graph.

r =  Polar coordinate graph

Parm   ParamType  
Parametric graph.

X =   X=Type 
Rectangular coordinate (X = f (y) type) graph. 

Y inequality on left side
Y >   Y>Type 
(Y > f (x) type) inequality graph.

Y <   Y<Type 
(Y < f (x) type) inequality graph.

Y ≥   Y≥Type 
(Y ≥ f (x) type) inequality graph.

Y ≤   Y≤Type 
(Y ≤ f (x) type) inequality graph.

X inequality on left side
X >   X>Type 
(X > f (y) type) inequality graph.

X <   X<Type 
(X < f (y) type) inequality graph.

X ≥   X≥Type 
(X ≥ f (y) type) inequality graph.

X ≤   X≤Type 
(X ≤ f (y) type) inequality graph.


Graph function
Graph Func  :On

On  On     (default setting)
 G selOn 
Function display during graph drawing and trace.

Off  Off
 G selOff 


Grid        :On

On  On
Graph gridline display on.

Off  Off     (default setting)
Graph gridline display off.


Inequality type
Ineq Type   :And

And  And      (default settng)
Fills areas only where the conditions of all graphed inequalities are satisfied.

Or  Or
Fills all areas where the conditions of the graphed inequalities are satisfied.



Math  Mathematical     (default settng)
Natural input and display of math expressions. This means you can input fractions, square roots, differentials, and other expressions just as they are written. Most calculation results are also displayed using natural display.

Line  Linear
Input and display of calculation expressions in a single line. Some memory functions and options are only available when this mode is active.


Label       :Off

On  On
Graph axis label display.

Off  Off     (default setting)


List file
List File   :File1

FILE   File 
Setting of list file on the display.
Select File No.



Locus       :On

On  On

Off  Off     (default setting)


Mode        :Comp

Comp  Computational     (default setting)
The basic mode of operation for this calculator.

Dec  Decimal
Only decimal values can be used for individual input.

Hex  Hexadecimal
All hexadecimal values can be used for individual input.

Bin  Binary
Only binary values are accepted for input.

Oct  Octal
Only octal values are accepted for input.


Move        :Lower

Low  Lower     (default setting)
Move the cell cursor down when you press EXE to register cell input, when the sequence command generates a number table, and when you recall data from List memory.

Right  Right
Move the cell cursor right.


Payment     :End

BGN  Begin     (default setting)

END  End


Periods per year
Periods/YR. :Annual

Annu  Annual     (default setting)

Semi  Semi annual


Q1Q3 type
Q1Q3 Type   :Std

Std  Standard     (default setting)
Divide total population on its centre point between upper and lower quartile groups, with the median of the lower group Q1 and the median of the upper group Q3.

OnD  OnData
Make the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater than 1/4 and nearest to 1/4 Q1 and the value of element whose cumulative frequency ratio is greater than 3/4 and nearest to 3/4 Q3.


Residual list
Resid List  :None

None  None     (default setting)

Select List No.



Show cell
Show Cell   :Formula

Form  Formula     (default setting)

Val  Value


Σ Display
Σ Display   :Off

On  On
The sum of each term will be included in the table used for recursion.

Off  Off     (default setting)


Simplify    :Auto

Auto  Automatic     (default setting)
Fractions will be automatically simplified before displaying them.

Man  Manual
Simplification of fractions must explicitely be performed.


Simultaneous graph
Simul Graph :On

On  On

Off  Off     (default setting)


Sketch line
Sketch Line :Norm

———— Normal     (initial default)

■■■■■■ Thick (twice the thickness of Normal)

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken (thick broken)

∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dot (dotted)


Slope       :Off

On  On

Off  Off     (default setting)


Statistical window
Stat Wind   :Auto

Auto  Automatic     (default setting)
V-Window settings for graph drawing are set automatically.

Man  Manual
Current V-Window settings are used for graph drawing.


Sub name
Sub Name    :On

On  On     (default setting)
List naming.

Off  Off


Variable    :Range

Rang  Range     (default setting)

Select List No.



Y=draw speed
Y=Draw Speed:Norm

Norm  Norm     (default setting)

High  High


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