fx-82MS fx-82TL fx-9860GII TI-83
On a Casio calculator you can enter numerals for
Binary 0 1 Octal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
If you attempt to enter a value that is invalid for the numeral system you are using, the calculator displays an error message. The current system is specified by SET UP Mode Comp, Dec, Hex, Bin, Oct.
Example 1
To calculate 0 × 1 = 0
0 × 1 EXE 0×1 0
and also 0 × 0 = 0
0 × 0 EXE 0×0 0
Example 2
To calculate 0 ÷ 1 = 0
0 ÷ 1 EXE 0÷1 0
Example 3
To enter 1 ÷ 0
Ma ERROR Press:[EXIT] 1 ÷ 0 EXE AC/ON 1÷0
and also 0 ÷ 0
Ma ERROR Press:[EXIT] 0 ÷ 0 EXE AC/ON 0÷0
Dividing by zero always gives a message, and that is correct.
Example 4
To calculate 10 = 1
10 1 × 0 EXE 1
Example 5
To enter 00
Ma ERROR Press:[EXIT] 0 ∧ 0 EXE AC/ON 00
although it is determined by definition that 00 ≝ 1. Take that as a warning.
Example 6
To calculate π0 = 1
π ٬٬ π0 SHIFT EXP ∧ 0 EXE 1
Example 7
To calculate 0! = 1
! 0 ≣ EXE 0! 1
This is correct, because by definition is specified that 0! ≝ 1.
Example 8
To calculate cos (0) = 1
cos 0 EXE cos 0 1
Example 9
To calculate √0 = 0
√ r SHIFT x² 0 EXE √0 0
Example 10
nCr 0 ≣ 0 EXE 0C0 1
Example 11
To enter 1 + 2 gives a message when SET UP Mode Bin is specified
Syntax ERROR Press:[EXIT] 1 + 2 EXE AC/ON
as only 0 and 1 are possible.
Example 12
To enter the hexadecimal value FF16